Finance Monthly - Legal Awards 2022

Finance Monthly Legal Awards 2022 Italy 50 Associate Lawyer PLB Studio legale Giuseppe Ferrante About Giuseppe Ferrante Giuseppe Ferrante is an associate lawyer in PLB Studio legale, tributario e internazionale. Giuseppe Ferrante is a lawyer authorized to practice before the Italian higher Courts, having long - standing experience representing clients in Italian justice courts. Giuseppe assists individual and corporate clients engaged in internal and international activities, operations and investments and advising them on major tax matters, such as complex tax litigation at all levels and international tax work, including major cross-border deals. Giuseppe is adept at managing complex global legal programs spanning many operational areas and requiring effective legal and tax strategies and executing them. The law firm is empowered to develop contact and to conclude agreements with the Italian Revenue Agency. Giuseppe supports clients in real estate area by assisting in internal and international transactions and providing complete advice on the operation in resolving many issues, including those of tax nature, which must be considered for the purpose of maximizing the deal effects. Ferrante’s practice also covers commercial law and civil litigation areas. The law firm attaches particular importance to a qualified, pragmatic and result – oriented counseling of the clients, combined with continuous personal attendance. Giuseppe is adept at providing advice and assistance in legal proceedings before the tax, administrative and ordinary justice Courts. In matters of competence, Ferrante practices before the European Court of Human Rights. The law firm is based in Rome, operating through offices located in Italy. Practice Areas Tax litigation Real Estate Commercial law Civil litigation Contact Details Avv. Giuseppe Ferrante E: T: + 39 3930061635 Real Estate Lawyer of the Year Italy

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